Press releases & articles

MSU Psych's Impact on Michigan: Empowering Victim Advocates with MiVAN Michigan State University

Across the state of Michigan, there are hundreds of advocates who help victims of crimes during their darkest days. Nonprofit organizations, prosecuting attorneys’ offices, and law enforcement offices are just some of the groups that victim advocates work for as they provide emotional support and connect victims to vital resources including access to emergency housing, legal aid, and victim compensation. But the turnover in victim advocacy roles is high. MSU Psy...

TED Talk Highlights the Work of Poverty Disrupter & MSU Psychology Alumna Dr. Aisha Nyandoro | Michigan State University

The Michigan State Psychology department congratulates psychology alumna Dr. Aisha Nyandoro on her recent TED Talk titled “What does ‘wealth’ mean to you?” Dr. Nyandoro, who specialized in ecological-community psychology at Michigan State, founded Magnolia Mother’s Trust, the longest-running guaranteed income program in the United States.  
The Magnolia Mother’s Trust provides low-income, Black mothers in Jackson, Mississippi $1000 cash on a monthly basis for 12...

Ready (or not) for love? Your friends likely agree | Michigan State University

Feeling ready for a committed relationship is a key step in dating. But do your friends agree that you’re ready for a long-term relationship? As this week is Valentine’s Day, newer couples may be considering just how serious their relationship is together.
A new study from Michigan State University found that friends significantly agreed on who was ready for committed relationships — and who wasn’t.
The study, published in the Journal of Social and Personal R...

New MSU study: Fewer people want to stand out in public | Michigan State University

August 8, 2024 - Shelly DeJong
A recent study out of Michigan State University’s College of Social Science found a dramatic decline in people’s desire to stand out from other people over the past 20 years.
The study, published in Collabra: Psychology, tracked over a million people’s desire to stand out or be unique from 2000 until 2020. This study provides some of the first evidence-based data comparing people’s motivation to stand out in today’s hyper-digital world compared to the early 2000s...

Worried about a pregnant woman’s stress and mental health? Her saliva may hold the key. | Michigan State University

New research out of Michigan State University found that the number and type of microbes present in the saliva of pregnant women differ according to whether they are experiencing life stress and symptoms of anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.
The study — published in the open access journal BMJ Mental Health — is the first to look at the association between the type and number of microorganisms in the mouth and throat, also known as the oral m...

Psychology’s Henry Cowan awarded for work with people living with schizophrenia in Michigan | Michigan State University

Dr. Henry Cowan, assistant professor of clinical science in the Department of Psychology at Michigan State University, received a 2024 Young Investigator Award from the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation and was chosen to be the Frederick & Alice Coles and Thomas & Nancy Coles Investigator through their Research Partners Program. This program offers donors the opportunity to personally select and support scientists based on various criteria, including illness...